
Apple’s call for the best macro photos in the latest shot on the iPhone challenge

Apple's call for the best macro photos in the latest shot on the iPhone challenge

P> The Latest Apple Shot About the iPhone Challenge will take place January 25, 2022, with the company encourage users to send their best macro photos taken with the iPhone 13 Pro or Pro Max. With every new iPhone release, Apple improves the quality and ability of innate cameras. The iPhone camera has even reached a point where several filmmakers use them as their main cameras when shooting film features (via IMDB).

The iPhone 13 Pro Line includes one of the biggest improvements to the camera, with the addition of a new ultra wide camera that can focus on the object as close as 2 cm (approximately one inch). The ability to focus on the close distance range opened the entire new world of possibilities, including the ability to see everyday objects in a new way.

Apple’s shot on the iPhone challenge

Apple wants to show off macro photography, and the capabilities of the iPhone 13 Pro line to capture it, in the latest shot on the iPhone challenge.

Starting January 25, 2022 and ran until February 16, users can send their best macro shots for the opportunity to win and have their photography displayed in the Apple newsroom gallery, in Apple’s official Instagram account, as well as another Apple account. The company said it might also display photo winners in advertising campaigns, at Apple stores, and in public exhibitions.

Apple has requested the help of five photographers recognized critically to join five judges from within the company, providing a thorough panel to evaluate submissions. The company recommends that photographers use their imagination, choose objects from everyday life that might not be considered. The company also recommends that users do the following:

Take photos as close as possible to the subject.

Use the .5x settings for ultra width or 1x for more stringent framing.

Maintain the main focal point near the frame center for the best clarity.

Tap the focal point on the screen to make sure the camera focuses at that time.

Individuals who want to participate can share their photos through Instagram or Twitter, use #shotoniphone and #iphonemacrochallenge Tagar. Similarly, users of the WEIBO microblogging platform can use Tag # Shotoniphone # and # iPhonemAcrochallenGe #.

Individuals can also send emails to their shipments to When sending via email, the file must be named up with the format ‘FirstName_LastName_Macro_IPhonemodel’, and the subject line must: ‘Shot on the submission of the iphone macro challenge.’

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